What Happens When You Lose Your Peace

🌟 Hey, friends! In this reel, I’m excited to take you into our Zoom Archives, where I personally led a serious and thought-provoking discussion on a topic close to my heart: what happens when we lose our peace? 🎥

At times, we may find ourselves pondering, “Where has our peace gone? Where is our joy?” Yet, I have unearthed a powerful truth: To truly embrace righteousness, peace, and joy, we must take a step back. 🚶

Always remember, dear ones, the Kingdom of God is not a mere distant dream—it is a tangible reality that beckons us. It is found in righteousness, peace, and joy through the Holy Spirit. 🙏

Let us embark on a shared journey, uncovering the hidden treasures of this Kingdom together. Supporting and uplifting one another, let’s watch this enlightening reel and kindly share your thoughts below. Embrace the abundant life God has so intricately designed for us! ✨💖