🌟 Mom Moment! 🌟

The power of teaching our kids in God’s Supernatural is a lifestyle for us

🌟 Mom Moment! 🌟

The power of teaching our kids in God’s Supernatural is a lifestyle for us. Recently, we attended Apostle Barbara Yoder’s Conference The Happening at Shekinah Christian Church as a family. We witnessed a woman rise and be healed from a stretcher, we watched a man who could not walk suddenly begin to dance, we felt the presence of Holy Spirit all around us, and we heard the exact prophetic word given to our son, Jeshua, by Aposlte Barbar Yoder that Dr. Bob Cathers had given him 6 years before.

During one of the beautiful worship moments, our children (Hays, Hoogendoorns, Adams, and Lambrechts) were hand-picked by Apostle Barbara to come onto the stage and worship before the Lord…she did not know who our children were, yet she picked all of them to dance a warrior dance before the Lord.

After this amazing conference, I began to meditate on something we have chosen to live out daily. We involve our children in God’s Supernatural presence as much as possible and as we include them in our prayer times – daily. We pray with our children tenfold more at home than they ever do at gatherings with others. Consequently, when they were called to worship before the Lord, it was normal. They embraced it wholeheartedly and others cried as they watched unhindered surrender!

The time, effort, and investment in deliberately involving your children in your daily lifesyle with God is a MUST. Help them grasp that they are Spirit beings first. Teach them to dwell in Father’s presence ALWAYS. Your seemingly small actions of including them in your spiritual walk with the Lord results in great rewards.

After this moment, we as parents were talking and we asked ourselves: How many invisible decisions to defend truth, stand firm, and even sacrifice for truth preceeded this weekend? Family, our answers and stories were too many to count.

Today, for this Mom Moment, I want to thank each one of you who are choosing to make these choices with us. I also want to invite those of you who want to join us in this commitment to begin NOW. We’d love to have you join this movement of raising Supernatural Kids.

Much love,
Dr. Tina