Arise & Ascend

3-Month Women’s Course

Learn From the Depth of Journeys Visible in The
Bible’s Women of Faith.

Experience the excitement and energy that has already captivated our first session attendees! Join us for an inspiring 3-month course that delves deep into the powerful role of women in the Bible, starting with the remarkable story of Anna.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to be part of a community that celebrates the strength and wisdom of women in faith. There’s still time to join our next session and access the recording of our first meeting.

Numerous women were already in tears, sharing their hearts and seeing their lives mirrored in the lives of Biblical women like Anna. Are you looking to connect with a community of women dedicated to growth and empowerment?

Preview of Chapter 1 of Our 3-Month Long Course

What to expect:

  • In-depth Exploration: Learn about the significance of women in the Bible who teach us about unifying with others, trusting in delayed promises, seeking guidance from the Holy Spirit, and much more.
  • Deep Connections: Engage in heartfelt discussions around the raw stories of these Biblical women and share your experiences with a community of women committed to growth and empowerment. We have already seen deep and meaningful discussions on faith, devotion, and the impact of women in the Bible.
  • Prophetic Ministry: Experience the transformative power of prophetic ministry as we offer personal insights and guidance in our classes.

What is included:

  • 6-2hr Zoom Meetings: Connect, engage, and ask questions with Dr. Tina and Rina Neufeld as they lead the Zoom meetings.
  • A Stored Collection of Zooms: Access every class recording in case you miss one during the course (Life can be busy!).
  • A Custom Workbook For This Course: Written by Dr. Tina and designed by Master Artist Jordan Hay. This workbook was created solely for this course.

Join Us For Your Transformative Journey:

Sign Up Now!
Only $200 USD.